Thursday, January 23, 2014

Can I Ask You A Few Questions???

Dear Reader, 
I am writing this to you, as a believer in Christ Jesus, GOD the Father and Holy Spirit.  What each of us do with our lives matters...character matters, integrity matters, honor matters .... what is our responsibility today?   What has God given us to do?  Corporately and individually?  How are we to survive in a culture that is rapidly going downhill ....where Biblical values are being cast aside, ridiculed and even... prosecuted?

We are in the last days…indeed; we have been for hundreds of years! However there is a period of time called “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble”, which I believe is quickly approaching, whether months or years, I do not know, only that each day brings us closer to THAT DAY!
The Bible gives us clues and indications of this time, when there will be terrible tribulation upon all on the earth.  There is much that needs to happen before Jesus returns for HIS BRIDE.  However, technology and knowledge has increased dramatically in the last 50 years…and men do travel all over the world…..wars and rumors of wars…nations and kingdoms rising against each other….lawlessness in high places…

So, we should be aware and know that our time is short.  We should know the purpose for which we were created:  We were created for God’s good pleasure…to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ.  We should know we have been placed here, on earth in 2014 for such a time as this.  We are in a war, (but, we do know who wins in the end).  The war is for the souls of men.  We know that the harvest is continually ready … and there are few harvesters and …the battle is fierce.

Can I ask you a question? 

“What is the value of a soul?”

This is a question that Holy Spirit asked me as I was out hiking in the Mountains while going to Bible College…I cannot put a value on a is incalculable...God sent Jesus, His only begotten Son to die for  YOU and me!  He paid the price we couldn't!  He came down from heaven to save us, His creation!  His death and blood set us free from sin and His resurrection restored us into a right relationship with GOD the Father!  How can I put a value on even one soul???  

Are you willing to be obedient unto the calling of GOD?  Are you ready to surrender all, even knowing that many people will laugh at you or be scornful or even hateful?  Are you ready to speak as the Holy Spirit directs instead of as the world of religion would have you to speak???
If we are the temple of the LORD…. and bought with the price of the BLOOD of Jesus…DO we really have any choice but to freely serve our LORD and MASTER ….because of HIS LOVE for us and our grateful LOVE for HIM?

In my prayer time with the LORD on December 21, 2013, I asked Him for a “WORD” for the coming year.  I heard one word, “LOVESTORY”.  

I am so excited to be alive during this time in history to see the unfolding of the revelation of the “Greatest LOVESTORY Ever Told “ to the world!  The scriptures the Holy Spirit gave me to go with this WORD are:  Malachi 4:6 and Romans 5:5. 
Truly …the best of times and the worst of times at the some time…As the LIGHT of CHRIST brightens (Christ in You, the hope of Glory)…the distinction between light and dark becomes so much clearer.

David Wilkerson wrote about the Glory of GOD, being the revelation of HIS WONDERFUL NATURE AND CHARACTER…meant to equip us, build us up and give us an inheritance…among all which are sanctified…He also wrote about the names of GOD, each revealing a part of HIS CHARACTER…GOD revealed these things to us so that we might be changed by the understanding of it!

 As, I was thinking on these things a few days ago, the question came to me.  What was the “Joy” set before Jesus that made HIM WANT to endure the cross? What exactly did Jesus see that gave Him so much Joy, that He willing laid down HIS life???

I begin to recall Bible verses;

Restore unto me the joy of my salvation…Ps. 51:12

 They that sow in tears shall reap in joy…Ps. 126:5

…there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner..Luke 15:10

These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full…John 15:11

The “joy” of the LORD is our strength…Nehemiah 8:10

…I create Jerusalem arejoicing, and her people a joy..Is. 65:18

I did a search on the word “Joy”. 

If we, the people of GOD, are the Joy set before Jesus…what, exactly is it about us, that gives Him and us “Joy”??

I thought about the Bride of Christ….How did she get herself ready???What did she do..or not do to prepare herself for the wedding feast???? What is Holy Spirit telling us to do today???

I thought about David Wilkerson’s description of the Glory….and our purpose, as born again believers…. “to be conformed into the image of Jesus Christ”…justified…glorified….Romans 8:29,30.

...His train (of His Glory) filled the temple. Is. 6:1

…the whole earth is full of His Glory. Is. 6:3

Did Jesus see His Bride with such Joy because she was exhibiting the character and qualities of His FATHER…shining like the sun with clean hands and a pure heart…. in the midst of a  very dark and tumultuous earth ???

There is a scripture on a large cross that I have set high upon my kitchen cabinets;
…”As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” Joshua 24:15b….That is my daily prayer.

I leave you with this question:

What will you say when you are asked…”What did you do with what I gave you?”????

Love, Blessings, Peace and Joy to you!

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