Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spiritually Speaking....Love is....

Love is GOD.  That is what is written in the scriptures of the Holy Bible. 

February 14, 2012, Valentine’s Day.... the expression of human love..…the love of a young man and woman…cupid shooting his arrows at young people….cartoons for kids....one can purchase a variety of Valentine cards from the very funny to the most intimate… to send to your “special” Valentine.  It is always a “good thing” to let people know that you love them.  But, what is LOVE?

GOD is LOVE.  Without GOD, LOVE canNOT exist. 

We are in the season that is called, “Lent”.  I didn’t grow up with that concept, or with the idea of giving up something for GOD.  As I think about Lent, I have to wonder what can I “give up” for GOD that He has NOT already given up for me???  He gave His only begotten Son up for me!  He gave Jesus up.  

He punished Jesus for the sins of the world..every sin every man, woman and child has ever committed or ever will commit!   Jesus, the Innocent ONE,  laid down His life willingly because of what He saw…  in us in the future!  He took on the guilt and sin of us all… YOU and me, that we might live forever with Him!  Once and for all, Jesus paid the price of sin for all people.

GOD is LOVE.  Without GOD we canNOT live forever with Him.

It is written of Jesus, that He came to give us life and life more abundantly!  He broke the devil’s arm of power when He died on the cross, descended into Hades, preached the gospel of the Kingdom, rose from the grave, taking with Him the keys of the Kingdom and ascended into heaven.   All power and authority in heaven and on earth is HIS!  All things are possible to those who believe in Christ Jesus, our Messiah!!!!

GOD is LOVE.  In Him we have our life, our breath and our being.

It is written that Jesus said:  “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. “ 
We love Him because He first loved us.  Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel of the Kingdom.”     

What is the gospel of the Kingdom???  

GOD is LOVE.  If you believe Jesus…….Go tell everyone the good news… You don’t have to die, you can live forever with Jesus!!!

LOVE IS GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

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