Friday, August 24, 2012

No More Field Trips

Good Evening, it is late night August 23, 2012, 
In the midst of drought...there was a gentle rainfall early this morning...but it didn't last long... only enough moisture to settle the dust!  Currently there are 44 large fires burning in the USA.   

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Climatic Data Center"s website,    During July, warm and dry weather brought ideal wildfire conditions to a large portion of the nation. The 2.01 million acres that were burned by wildfires was the 4th most on record, while the 9,869 fires was the 5th most in the 2000-2012 record for July.  

The drought situation could become very costly to all of us....millions of dollars in insurance claims...and there is even speculation that dust storms could cost millions of dollars in damage to the economy.  See the following websites for more information concerning these issues.

Will Drought Cause the Next Blackout? - NYTimes.


Almost every morning I make a pot of coffee or tea and then spend time in the Holy Bible, writing in my journal and in prayer.  I want to know the heart of my Father in Heaven.  I want the desires of my heart to be the desires He placed there.  I want to know HIS will.
I am deeply grateful that Jesus made a covenant with the Father to pay the price of  redemption from sin for all who will believe and receive this gift of everlasting life with Almighty GOD!  I am committed to be obedient to all that He places in my heart to do and to say, or die trying.  I am not my own, I was bought and paid for with a price!  I love GOD because He first loved me.  I love others because He lives in me and the scriptures say "GOD is LOVE".  I love my families, friends, neighbors and my country...and I am deeply concerned about the direction many of them are taking!  It is written, 
"There is a way that seems right to men, but it leads to destruction."
I have been thinking a lot about what Timothy had to say in 2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

In the Bible, whenever people turned away from GOD and worshiped idols, one of the things GOD sent to them was drought. Whenever people turned to homosexuality...sexual deviance, filthy behavior, and every form of godlessness known to mankind, it wasn't long before they went into captivity or were completely destroyed. 

Sodom and Gomorrah is an example of what happens to a debased and sick society.  After 3000 still stands as a symbol of rebellion against GOD and His WORD!

See the following video about the ashes of Sodom and Gomorrah still standing today:


It is estimated that about 3000 babies per day have been aborted in America since Roe v. Wade.

It is now "OK" for a child to have 2 Mommies or 2 Daddy's; Our children are being taught they can choose their sexuality!!!

See the following for more information:

We used to have a Constitution that stood between the people and the power of the Presidency to control the actions of the people.  We used to have freedom of speech...and rights given to us by our CREATOR!

Here are just a few websites concerning our Constituion:


What makes us think that we are better than those that have gone before us? 

What makes us think that the stench of our collective national sins have not reached the nostrils of GOD?

What makes us think that we should not fear the judgments, the pleadings of GOD to return to Him? 

Where are the people of GOD who strive to stay on the crown of the road, to walk the path of righteousness?  Who love the laws of GOD which were given to us for our benefit?

In the past, GOD has allowed HIS people to wander down rabbit trails and off the beaten path.  He has always brought them back on the pathway to Heaven. He reached down and rescued them time after time; However, there comes a time when a line is drawn in the sand and the consequences of that wandering must be realized.  There is a harvest for the seeds sown.  

There comes a time, when there is... no more time...choose ye this day whom ye will serve...and the consequences are final...eternal death or life. NO MORE field trips!  Either one must serve the living GOD or the fallen angel called Lucifer. To NOT make a choice is an automatic choice for death!

I have been half-halfheartedly posting some political ads on FB.  However, I find it sad to even think about the choices we have for our President.  Neither man is a born again, Bible Believing Christian!  Religion will NOT get anyone to heaven!  The blood and cross of Jesus Christ is the only ticket to heaven!

I have come to the conclusion that we, as a country have lost our way... 


Possibly....TRUE Repentance... on our knees with fervent prayers and maybe GOD will have mercy and grace upon our nation and maybe we will not go into captivity for a little while longer.


This is a letter I recently sent to family and friends: 

 Subject: Rick Wiles- Trunews

Dear Family and Friends,

I have been listening to Rick Wiles for a couple of weeks and have passed on his radio show/web site to many of you on my email list.  I don't know a lot about him, however, there seems to be a lot of information on his shows.  Some of his guests I have personally met and know to be good Christian men.  Others, I have questions about.  No one man or ministry has all the answers...many of the people in Ministry whom I trust are not popular with the public.  No matter who one is, or what one believes, it appears there is someone against something one has said or done.  There are many truthful people in Ministry, however, there are also many who pollute GOD'S WORD.  We must be like the Bereans and search the Holy Bible to seek the truth of a matter.

NO ONE is perfect and every story has more than one side.  We should be careful of what we hear and what we speak.  We are instructed in the Bible to test the spirits.  We have the Holy Spirit abiding in us to lead us in all truth.  So, we must seek the LORD daily, asking for wisdom, discernment, knowledge and understanding.  We live in a fallen world and the deception is great, so we need the help of Almighty GOD for us to survive in these sick and wicked days!

Our country is not in a good position spiritually.  Our collective sins in the USA have exceeded the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah.  We have not repented, but have elected officials to office who had tried to eliminate GOD and His WORD from every public place and have erected monuments and elaborate buildings unto themselves and the selfish causes they promote.  Wherever GOD is pushed aside, evil abounds.  We, as a people are no different than ancient Israel.  We have turned our noses up to GOD and told HIM, We don't need you and we don't want you. Everyone does what is right in his own mind.  Without acknowledging and repenting from our sins..our country is primed for a fall.  It is time to get on our knees and repent ....perhaps GOD will have mercy on us, yet.

The war on this earth is evil vs good ....and it is for the souls of men! I think, we as Christians, have a responsibility to be informed of what is going on in the world without being in fear.  We are the Light of Christ in a dark and dying world.  We must point the way to Jesus by the way we live our lives and by the good and sound words we speak. Matthew 10:16 says

Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

 It is our personal relationship with Christ Jesus, GOD the Father and Holy Spirit that is the most important thing in our life.  It is out of our relationship with our Father and with the help of the Holy Spirit,  that we become conformed unto the image of HIS Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  It is this "Goodness"  this Unconditional LOVE of GOD in us, in the form of the Holy Spirit,  that makes us different from all other created beings.  GOD, who is LOVE, chose us to be HIS FAMILY forever, not just in the here and now and on this earth, but for eternity!

We have all sinned and come short of the glory, but I pray daily that ABBA FATHER draws us closer to HIM today than yesterday.  That our hearts are ready to receive the things HE has for us, that we have eyes to see the visions He gives us.  I pray we are blessed by HIS Great Mercy and Grace this day.  I pray we have favor with others of the body of Christ.  I pray we seek the LOVER of our souls fervently while there is time.  I pray the Goodness of the LORD falls on us today and overcomes us!  I pray we see the GLORY of the LORD in the land of the living.  I pray that all of our families come unto the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!  I pray that we, who are called and chosen to be servants of the MOST HIGH GOD, live the life that GOD planned for us before the foundation of the earth.  I pray we fulfill our destinies in this world as we become more like CHRIST... for HIS GLORY!

That is my prayer for you...all of, friends, neighbors, acquaintances, and all the Truth Tellers in various places.  I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and I pray for Israel...may Israel soon know her Messiah and may the Jew and Gentile become one new man in Christ Jesus!  Amen


PS  If you still want me to send you forwards, or emails I think may be of interest to you, please reply to this note with a yes or no.  I do not wish to waste your time (or mine) with unwanted emails.  Thank you in advance for your answer.

PSS  Website for Rick Wiles  Trunews:

May GOD have Mercy on us all,


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