Friday, October 12, 2012

There's a Prophet on the Prairie...

There’s a Prophet on the Prairie…...
There’s a prophet on the prairie….or more specifically….there is a prophet coming to Pretty Prairie!   That’s in Kansas…..yes…Kansas… the place some call the “flyover” state!  Pretty Prairie, Kansas is the heartland of the nation! If an X were placed over the map of these United States, Pretty Prairie, Kansas would be very close to the center of the X! 
The prophet is Oop Schrauner, a farmer, mechanic and oilfield worker, who learned to read at age 45 and graduated from college a few years later.  His sense of humor, honesty and amazing stories will capture your attention! I found an article about him in the Houston Chronicle.  Here is the article website, if you would like to know more about him.
SUN 11/18/2001 Houston Chronicle,
After a little more searching, I discovered more about this discreet man of God from an excerpt out of the book, “From Stage to Stage and Glory to Glory”, by Ron Griffith.  Ron describes his first encounter with Oop on pages 11-17.  Quite interesting…especially if one needs convincing that God knows what we need, even before we do and desires to bless us! It interested me enough that I ordered the book!
Anyway, I hope some of you reading this, which live in the area, find the time to come hear the prophet speak.  I don’t think you will be disappointed.  It’s always good to hear about Jesus!
If you go and you like what you hear, come out to the SK Ranch on Sunday, October 14 and spend some time with him.  He will be there from 4:00 – 6:00pm!
Here is the website for that:
The Season we are in is about to change.  
We are at a Crossroad.  We will soon have to make a choice.  We must choose wisely. 
I watched the debates, both the Presidential and the Vice Presidential….. I don’t think I have ever seen anything like that before!  It was quite disturbing to say the least!  The sad thing about the current political system, the economic system and the turmoil among the nations….so many things are so broken, I don’t think they are fixable!  However, those who know the truth,  know it is supposed to happen, to be like that in the last days….the line of separation between good and evil will become more and more visible.  We may not know exactly where we are in God’s timeline, the exact day, but we can know we are definitely getting closer to what is called, “the time of Jacob’s trouble”, if, indeed we are not already in it!  
All we have to do is read the Bible…the signs and prophecies that were written about the end times, are coming to pass before our eyes!  You can find a list of 48 Biblical prophecies about Jesus and also, Isaiah’s prophecy about the rebirth of the nation of Israel, that have already come to pass on this website:

No matter who wins the election, GOD will use him for His purposes, just as he used Moses and Pharaoh to set the Israelites free from the bondage of Egypt and King Cyrus to build a temple in Jerusalem.   

The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will.

Exodus 3:10

Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt
2 Chronicles 36:23
Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, All the kingdoms of the earth hath the LORD God of heaven given me; and he hath charged me to build him an house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Who is there among you of all his people? The LORD his God be with him, and let him go up.

As I see it, our main job here on earth, our destiny, if you will,  is to seek the heart of Father GOD and to have a personal relationship with Him through His only begotten Son, Jesus.  Then, share what we know with others.

Too simple?  Maybe.  We love Him, GOD, because He first loved us.  The Scriptures say that it is the goodness of the LORD that brings us to repentance and allows us to see our need of a Savior.
So, we seek Him in prayer and through His written WORD.  We cry out to Him and He will answer our heart cry!  He will reveal Himself to us! 
 When we believe in Jesus, confess our belief with our mouth and receive the gift of everlasting life, we are then taught and sealed by His Holy Spirit forever.  Everything else we need to know will come to us by the infilling of the Holy Spirit of God. Our desires will change from the desires of the flesh (as we learn from Him).  Our deepest desires, the desires He placed in our hearts, will surface as we become conformed to His image. The Holy Spirit comes bearing gifts for us to use for the glory of GOD.  Every good and perfect gift comes down from above, from the Father of Lights, Our ABBA Father who loves us more than we can even imagine, has already hidden in us, everything we need to accomplish our assignment here on earth!  He did not say it would be easy, no.  He said there will be many trials and tribulations, but, He will NEVER leave us or forsake us!  That means forever He is with us!  He is right there with us in all things!  When our earthly assignment is done and our time here is up, we get to be with Him in a perfect world forever!

Blessings to all,

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